Let Me Introduce Myself

Our outer appearance is said to be a reflection of our inner self.

How we look outside reflects who we are inside. Our worries, our anxieties, and ailments show themselves externally on the face, body, and skin. And then, suddenly, an idea to be more beautiful arises.

“I want lips like that famous actress”, “cheekbones like that singer”, “I want breasts just like the protagonist of that television series”, “this wrinkle between the eyes always makes me look angry, but I’m not angry!”

We are losing the ability to value our uniqueness, which makes us incomparable and exceptional, that distinctive trait that we should protect before satisfying other desires.

Whenever we seek beauty, we risk falling into a trap. Some believe that aesthetic medicine makes you fake, while others think that aesthetic medicine can work miracles.

None of this is exactly true. Aesthetic medicine does not block time, does not work miracles, does not promise eternal beauty, but distinguishes “signs of beauty” intending to bring the person to a healthy improvement.

We are the ones who do the miracle, and only we are the ones who allow the things we see in the mirror to affect us and change the way we feel.

It is our lifestyle that determines all the changes, pleasant and less pleasant. We are made up of chemical functions and electrical phenomena. Despite this, we are beings capable of feeling emotions, and it is based on these emotions that my commitment becomes a closely connected and symbiotic part of my work as an aesthetic doctor.

I am Pietro Martinelli, and I have always had a creative note in my character, perhaps because of those ancestors who had distinguished themselves in the arts… Who knows?

When I was much younger, I found myself drawing, observing, copying, painting, building, and sculpting. It has been like this from the beginning, the search for the balance of forms, of beauty in all its expressions. From the beginning of my studies, I have identified in the medical art the possibility of expressing myself in an artistic sense.

Aesthetic medicine is not an approximation or trial and error but an ethical scientific study. I chose to become an aesthetic doctor to combine science and art. Science because it is based on technical skills and knowledge. Art because this is every form of human expression capable of arousing emotions and pleasure in the eye of the beholder.

My concept of beauty is BALANCE, NATURALNESS, AESTHETIC SENSE, and OBSERVATION OF DETAILS, accompanied by the study of ANATOMY.

When I look at a person’s face or body, I already visualize the final result and this prevents me from creating mistakes. Also, I am not interested in erasing years of life, but on the contrary, giving people back their smiles and, even better, giving people a reason to smile.

I have clients who have been following me for decades and their looks are more youthful now than when they first walked into my clinic.

It is as if time has not taken its action, or at least, it has done so more slowly, but it has happened because people feel better and become more confident. They feel good when they see themselves better.

We, aesthetic doctors, are given the possibility and the pleasure of giving emotions, transforming, enriching, embellishing faces and bodies in a continuous challenge against time and its effects.

For me, it is an absolute pleasure to see the smile and happiness of the people who have entrusted themselves to my care. This unmistakable sign of trust pushes me to do better and continue this life and professional path with energy and enthusiasm.

I love my job and would always talk about it. Because I enjoy working and I work even better when I am having fun. Above all, I am very keen to provide correct information, because I believe that it is the basis of a good medical result.

One of my little informative battles concerns botox therapy, which involves the use of a certified product and the perfect, meticulous knowledge of the anatomy and function of the facial muscles.

When I hear that someone wants to save money and “does only a few units,” I realize that there are still many things to be clarified regarding this treatment. To avoid unpleasant results, not only some areas can be treated, but all the muscles responsible for expression lines, taking into account the function of each in a perfect balance.

Often, people do not know how and where to inquire about having adequate answers to their doubts and questions. I am happy to clarify and dispel their perplexities with intellectual honesty because I believe that if more people get to know the “truth” on aesthetic medicine treatments, more people will smile at themselves while looking in the mirror.